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1.  Black, white , grey and gold in Finland
2. Bear necessities - Alaska - The last Frontier
3. Wildlife of Madagascar - a genetic melting pot
4. Gorillas in my midst - a Ugandan odyssey
5. A High Arctic Journey - Svalbard & Greenland
6. Svalbard - the High Arctic
7.Wildlife of Antarctica
8. Birds and wildlife of Namibia
9. Birds of the Seychelles
10. Ghost birds - Barn owls of Malaysia
11. Scotland - a land of mountains and wilderness
12. The Spirit of Shackleton - South Georgia
13. Barn owls - past, present and future
14. Two islands - Handa Island, Scotland - The Farnes
15. All the K's - Birds of New Zealand
16. Why are birds so different
17. Two Scottish islands - Handa Island and The Isle of May
18. Forests as old as time - Birds and wildlife of Malaysia
19. Wildlife of the Falklands
1. Myanmar
2. SING SING - Birds and tribes of Papua New Guinea
3. Eclipsed - by beauty and catastrophe
4. From one end to the other - an African odyssey
Click on the dropdown menu of the ABOUT TALKS button on the header above to obtain a description of the talk and sample photos.
All talks can be adjusted or modified to fit the pattern of the evening and can be delivered in two halves if so wished.
All talks on
ZOOM only, all face to face talks suspended at present until further notice.
Fee: £65 per talk. 
Contact : 07866048669 or 01993 899033 or
Graham Lenton 


1. Black,white,grey and gold in Finland Thursday 5th Jan 2023 7.30pm RSPB  Solihull  ZOOM
2. Scotland- land of mountains and wilderness
Monday 27th Feb 2023 7.30pm Cheltenham Bird Club ZOOM
3. TBA Thursday 25th January 2024 7.45pm Weybridge RSPB  ZOOM


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